Vedic Prashna Astrology uses the Prashna chart prepared by the Astrologer based on date, time and place of astrologer while doing analysis for giving predictions.
As per Principles of Vedic astrology- Rashi, Bhav and Planet status, answer of the question/ prashna is given. There are also various other methods in this system to provide answer to the question of the quitrent.
In K . P. Horary Astrology specially whena person is not having actual or correct birth details or not having birth details, one can get the proper and accurate answer from the KP Horary chart prepared by the Astrologer based on one KP Horary number from 001to 249 as given by the querent randomly. In this, Divine Ruling Planets in addition to Sign lord, Star lord, Sub lord and Sub sub lord, play very important rolein providing suitable answer to the question of the quorent.