Sometimes, some people face Litigation problems or Court Cases either due to unethical attitude, dishonesty and taking away other’s property or tyranny by others resulting into people going to Court or Tribunals or other such bodies. Sufferers as well as convicts later on face different types of problems. People want to get judgement in their favours. Here astrologer can help them in knowing the outcome and thereby helping them in taking timely suitable actions.
Similarly people fight different types of Elections to get elected to important body/ bodies. To know whether one will win in the election due to voting by voters, people approach the astrologer. Here astrologer helps the people in knowing the result in advance so as to plan accordingly and properly for the ensuing elections.
For getting above Services, please Contact:
Dr. Bipin Bihari Lal
Astrologer(KP, EPS & Vedic astrology), Palmist & Vaastu Consultant
Phone: 9264236789, 8867822128